Cannon Boiler Works – Boiler Economizers

Studies have shown that over a 20 year period, 96% of the cost of operating a boiler system comes from fuel costs. Also, in a typical boiler system, 10% to 20% of energy input is lost in the form of heat escaping to the atmosphere. The installation of a boiler economizer helps to solve this problem. An economizer is a unit that captures heat from the stack, and then returns it to a water system. To determine if a boiler economizer is right for your facility, look at your annual boiler fuel bill and subtract 5 to 10% of the cost. If this is a significant number to you, then you should consider adding an economizer. The payback will have a direct impact on your bottom line. This is one of Cannon’s many products that help companies reduce overall energy consumption. And remember, fuel not burned equals exhaust gasses not emitted!
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